The Fresh Start Club

The Fresh Start Club first appearred in Reaper Man. Windle Poons discovered matches and a card in his coffin

The club was founded by Reg Shoe, a zombie; "In an alley, temporarily out of sight of passers-by, someone called Reg Shoe, who was dead, looked both ways, took a brush and a paint tin out of his pocket, and painted on the wall the words: , DEAD YES! GONE NO!

Reg later appered in Night Watch, which was in the past, where died during the battle of Cable Street. He was featured in the Glorious 25th Three Pence stamp sport
“Reg Shoe, who was sitting on the barricade, staring at the sheer weight of arrows in him. As he watched, his brain seemingly decided that he must be dead on this evidence, and he fell backwards. But in a few hours, his brain would be in for a surprise.

Members of the club include:
Reg Shoe, a zombie - featured on the Fresh Start Club 3p stamp
Mrs. Drull, a ghoul
Mr. Gorper, never described
Mr. Ixolite, a banshee
Lupine, a werewolf, more or less
Count and Countess Notfaroutoe, vampires - featured on the Fresh Start Club 3p stamp
Windle Poons, a zombie who had once been a wizard
Schleppel, a bogeyman - featured on the Fresh Start Club 3p stamp

Stamp News

There are already websites that cover Discworld Stamps, such as Discworld Stamp Catalogue, the Discworld Stamp Collector.

The Journal Stamp News pages cover future stamps.



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